11 Amazing Benefits of Using an Essential Oil Diffuser!

Benefits of Essential Oil Diffusers
Benefits of Essential Oil Diffusers

Did you know there are amazing Benefits of Using an Essential Oil Diffuser? No, I’m not kidding! Diffusing essential oils is not only convenient but a cost effective way to get some aromatherapy in your home.

After all, there’s a reason why essential oil diffusers have been all the rage over the past few years!

Diffusing essential oils helps you with your health, sets the mood, freshens your home, and keeps the pests away!

Isn’t that amazing?

In this article, I’ll be going through the benefits of using an essential oil diffuser.

So let’s get started!

Benefits of Using an Essential Oil Diffuser

Each essential oil has its own unique properties.

An essential oil diffuser distributes the essential oil molecules through the air. Now, these molecules find their way into our nervous system through our nose and lungs when we inhale.

And this is known to be a safe and quick way of using essential oils.

Simple, right?

Now that we’ve got that covered, let’s get into the 11 benefits of using an essential oil diffuser.

All right here we go!

1) Goodbye, Stress!

Stress is probably one of the biggest problems in our modern era.

During stressful times, it’s really hard to stay calm.

You end up taking out your frustration on you friends, colleagues, family and significant others.

One of the benefits of using an essential oil diffuser that I find the most helpful is that it helps your body relax and stay calm—even in stressful situations.

Diffusing essential oils can help create a calming environment in your home.

In fact, you can also use a diffuser in your office to reap the benefits of the essential oils!

Essential Oils I would recommend are: Chamomile, Rose, Frankincense, and Bergamot.

2) Sleep Like a Baby!

A good night’s sleep is something we all crave in this digital age.

And, one of the benefits of diffusing essential oils is that it helps you sleep peacefully, creating a long lasting effect which helps you stay asleep throughout the night.

After diffusing some of that essential oil, you won’t have to update your Facebook status about how you’re suffering from ‘Insomnia’!

And, you get that beauty sleep and wake up looking like Cindy Crawford.

To help you sleep here are a few essential oils that I’d recommend: Ylang ylang, lavender, valerian, and vetiver.

3) So long, Illness!

Do you clean your house regularly?

I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t!

One of the benefits of using an essential oil diffuser is that essential oils have antimicrobials that help kill germs.

But, in all fairness, you should still clean your house

Other than that…

Some essential oils are also known to boost your immunity and reduce the likelihood of getting a cold or flu.

The oils you should diffuse to get these benefits are: Peppermint oil, oregano oil, and lemon oil.

It’s not just fighting off illnesses that diffusing essential oils can help with. One of the related benefits of diffusing essential oils is pain relief.

People have, for a long time, applied essential oils directly to their bodies to relieve them of pain, but diffusing is also beneficial in this case.

This can help relieve the pains you’ve been feeling in your muscles, joints, etc. and also help you with the persistent migraines.

Great to know, right!

The best essential oils to stay help you stay healthy are: Lavender, ginger, chamomile, rosemary, sage, bergamot, eucalyptus, etc.

4) Insect repellant

As summers come, so do the insects.

Overusing chemical bug repellents can cause your body a lot of harm. And that’s where essential oil diffusers come in.

One of the biggest benefits of diffusing essential oils is that it makes your home an inhospitable environment for mosquitoes and other insects!

Simple, right?

The best essential oils to repel insects are: Lemongrass, clove, cedarwood, and rosemary

5) Safer than Candles and Incense

Having an open flame inside your house is not a good idea.

Especially if you’ve got kids and pets running around the house.

So, I feel that one of the benefits of using an essential oil diffuser is that it’s safe. Most diffusers come with an “auto-shutoff” feature.

Other than that…

Scented candles are also known to have certain chemicals that can wreak havoc on your lungs and respiratory system.

I feel that sticking to an essential oil diffuser is the best bet.

After all, you wouldn’t have to worry about burning down your house or remembering to blow out the candle when you leave!

6) Good for Allergies

Allergies have plagued a lot of us, especially hay fever, clogged sinuses, itchy throats, and other respiratory issues.

The thing about diffusing essential oils is that they can provide you with the necessary relief without having to use any medicines!

Bye-bye dizziness and sleepiness!

Isn’t this one of the best benefits of using an essential oil diffuser? What do you think? Let me know in the comments section…

The oils I’d recommend for trouble with allergies are: Basil, peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil.

7) Set the Mood for Romance!

Think about this situation:

You’ve just brought your significant other over to your house to have a romantic candlelit dinner.

Except your home smells like kitty litter, coffee, and the strange smell that won’t go away!

Epic fail, right?

One of the benefits of diffusing essential oil is that you can set the mood of the room with the kind of fragrance you want.

The essential oils for a romantic mood that I’d recommend for this are: Sandalwood, rose, jasmine, cinnamon, clove. But go easy a little bit goes a long way.

8) Boost Your Own Mood!

Sometimes, life’s blues take over and you feel ‘down’. And, one of the surprising benefits of using an essential oil diffuser is that you can boost your mood!

No, I’m not kidding!

Like I said before, one of the benefits of using an essential oil diffuser is de-stressing and this one just goes hand in hand with that.

The essential oils that I recommend to boost your mood are: jasmine, sweet orange, rose, scotch pine, vanilla, and sandalwood.

9) Improves Cognitive Function

Did you know that one of the benefits of diffusing essential oils is that it can essentially super-charge your brain?

Sounds like it’s out of a superhero movie, right?

Not really.

Certain essential oils have adaptogenic properties that increase the body’s ability to adapt to stress. And each adaptogenic herb has three traits:

  • Non-toxic for the user
  • Beneficial for the body as a whole
  • Creating a state of balance for the user

There are several other essential oils that are known for the abilities to balance the hormones in your body.

You know what that means, right? Double trouble!

The best essential oils to reap these benefits are: Eucalyptus, pine, peppermint, and lemon

10)  Helps you Stay Cool

Yes, both literally and figuratively!

During the summer heat, all you want to do is cool down and unwind. And summers can be fun, but they also can be ruthless.

But, don’t worry! That’s where yet another one of the benefits of diffusing essential oils comes in!

Diffusing cooling, crisp minty fragrances can help you save on your electric bill and also help you beat the heat.

The essential oils that I would recommend for staying cool are: Peppermint, wintergreen, spearmint, eucalyptus, and mint.

11) Helps Saves Money!

Think about the money that you spend on the doctor and medicine when you get sick. Or the money that you spend on your electric bill during the summer, or on your daily cups of coffee.

That adds up really quickly, doesn’t it?

I feel one of the best benefits of using an essential oil diffuser is the fact that you can save a lot of your hard-earned money by investing in a good diffuser and a good set of essential oils.

This means that not only do you get to have a good, healthy life. You also get to save more money while doing that.

And that I feel is one of the best benefits of diffusing essential oils.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section below!

Concluding the Benefits of Using an Essential Oil Diffuser!

Who knew that diffusing essential oils had so many benefits, right?

I really do feel that essential oil diffusers are still the best way to reap the maximum benefits of essential oils.

The thing that I personally like is the fact that with essential oil diffusers you can just ‘change’ the oil according to your mood—something that you can’t do with candles and incense.

So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself a good essential oil diffuser (and a set of essential oils) today!

Leave comments if you feel that I might have missed something.

Did you know about the listed benefits before? Tell me in the comments section! We always love reading your comments.

1 thought on “11 Amazing Benefits of Using an Essential Oil Diffuser!”

  1. The part of your article that got my attention is the idea that it helps the body relax and stay calm even in stressful situations. I work in an environment wherein stress is a common thing, however, I just can’t seem to get used to it. Now I know what will help me in reducing the stress that I take home with me after a long day of work. Thank you so much. I’ll buy some essential oils the next time I go out.


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